ENT Suction Pump & Nabulizers


PariBoy N Family

Happy Neb - Italy

OMRON - Nabulizer

Mesh -NB 810B - Nabulizer - Mobile & Battery Operated

Diagnostic Set & Lyryngoscope


Omron - Digital BP Set

Accoson - Aneroid BP Set

Omron - Digital Blood Pressure Monitor

Omron - Pulse Massager

Blood Pressure Monitor - Mercury

Riester - Diplomat - Germany

Accoson - Dekamet - England

Cholesterol & Glucometer


Nihon Kohden - Patient Monitor

ECG Machine Single & 3 Channel

Nihon Kohden - Model 1150 - 3 Channel With Interpretation.

KENZ - 305 - Single To Three Channel With Interpretation

Diertermy Set

Diertemy Set - Alsatom - Origin Italy

Surtron Cautery Set - Model 120

Face Mask

Face Mask - 3M - N95

Ishihara Color Blindness

12 Plates, 14 Plates, 24 Plates & 38 Plates.

Origin Japan.